
My boy had a pad of ‘post-it’ notes in his backpack after school today and at first glance, I though they were neat but after further view I thought that they were down right weird.

There are many things and people (I think) that we come across in life, that at first are pretty rock on, but then after a while, our opinion/view of them starts to turn sour.

Maybe if we just came out and told our sour acquaintances (because I assume if they are weird that aren’t full-on friends) that they are particularly peculiar (for their benefit and ours, if we don’t want them in our lives anymore).  And/or throw in the garbage any weird shit lying around.

It is just better that way, because it provides a chance for a fresh start and perhaps some inner self-reflection (on the part of the weird person) as well as purging (which is always good…unless its a disorder) so that people won’t think you are the weird one.

I found this card while I was wandering today so I  moved it into a more conspicuous area with the hope that in doing so, more people will come across it.

I feel the card has a good message and I believe (assume) that people will be able to connect with it, in many ways.

Particularly, it can serve as a motivator in different contexts, a warning, an encouragement or just a little advice in general.

 I think I am going to take the advice.

The art I created today was more of an appropriation of a natural phenomena.  For some reason, the clay I use in my classes (when I opened it the other day) had a plant growing in it.  Too cool.

I am not sure how that plant could sustain itself in the clay, wrapped up, without any sunlight but nonetheless, it managed to do so.  Unfortunately, I had to destroy the plant in order to use the clay for a class (and did so quickly because I was paranoid that someone would see that my clay was growing things).

It is a funny thing, nature.

This happenstance, to me, was a reference to the delicate nature of our natural world these days and perhaps it foreshadowed some desperate times ahead whereby adaptation of all living things will be a necessity for survival.

I made/took this picture today because I was getting on my own nerves today because everything I did, seemed to irritate me.

So, eventually I got a little paranoid that the day was going to end up being bad, because I really could do nothing ‘right’ in my own eyes, so I gave myself a little advice.

I decided that if I didn’t stop freaking out about things (in regards to being critical of myself) I was going to need to give myself a swift kick in the arse (figuratively, obviously) to straighten up.

Then I created this image to remind myself to not be so self-critical sometimes and to ease up on myself, or else.  🙂

I think it’s important to be understanding of oneself sometimes in order to get through things.

I snapped a beauty shot of the sunset today.  Sunsets just seem to make me happy and when I see them, they make me look forward to the next day.

I assume this is because in my head, it foreshadows the delight of/in the coming day.


Unfortunately, I can’t take full credit for this artwork because as I happened to stumble upon it while I was wandering today.

I feel very lucky to have come across it though because it really is totally awesome!!!

The symbolic representation of the toilet seat can be seen in many different ways.

Interpretations can include the idea of homelessness and comments on the lack of facilities for those people living on the street.  Alternatively,  it’s location (in a public space) speaks to the paranoia some people have around using public washrooms.

And many other things…..

I am sure everyone will have their own ideas around it to throne.  🙂



I did a drawing today that is intended to capture a notion that identifies drawing as a means of thinking.

The representation of the brain (that is drawn) highlights the idea that in terms of thinking, drawing is a means to facilitate, enable and initiate it.

Furthermore, the drawing captures the essence of the capacity our brains have for knowledge, learning and disseminating ideas to those that would benefit. (I assume everyone likes to benefit from learning new things.)

I call it, Disclosed Wisdom

As I was driving, I can across a happenstance of a tarp covering some bricks.  While normally, this is boring, what I saw today was quite the opposite.  The tarp had been caught by the wind and was feverishly blowing above me.

The ‘sky waves’ (what I am calling them) created by that blowing tarp were quite hypnotic.  Similar to when I was watching the waves in my earlier post ‘Wave Rider’ , it was awesome.

I think it is important to be able to notice the magnificent in the mundane.



Out and about today I managed to stop by the local arena for a little free skating.  There is something monotonous about skating round and round in a circle (with way too many other people) that is both annoying and relaxing.

However, on this particular occasion, a boy accidentally dropped from his pocket some skittles onto the ice.   While he got into trouble for doing so from the Ice Patrol guy, I was utterly thankful for his littering.  It was so beautiful to see the bursts of colour (of the skittles) upon the white backdrop of the snow/ice.

Unfortunately, the skittles were cleaned up pretty fast but not before a few other kids managed to pick one up and shove it in their mouth.  In my opinion, this was a positive experience for not just me (for various reasons) and the pros totally outweighed the cons and its too bad the Ice Patrol guy didn’t see it that way.

One man’s sorrow is another man’s glory I guess.

I was cleaning today and went to vacuum under the couch but beforehand I needed to check for and remove anything that was under there.

To my astonishment, seems my boys have made under there a sort of dumping ground.  Oh great.

So I pulled it all out and was amazed to see the diversity of jazz collecting under the couch.

Here is what it looked like, it really reminded my of one of those I SPY books.

I think I may have missed my calling in that I believe I would have loved living through my early twenties in the 1970’s instead of the 2000’s.

As a result, I like to draw things sometimes that are inspired by that era of style, art and design (I assume as a subconscious way for me to get in touch with that missed identity).  Today I made a drawing that represents for me, the peace, love and compassion that was the focus and in the minds of the people of that time period.

I kinda wish, things would go back to that.

I made this beverage that was created from a recipe for a New Years punch.  The recipe looked promising, given it was from Martha Stewart, but I gotta say, it was bloody awful.

However, despite it’s displeasing result on the palate, it turned out to be quite nice visually, to photograph.

That happens a lot though, whereby things are a let down in one regard but positive in another.  If it wasn’t like that in life, I think everyone would go mad and be depressed from the bad things that happen to them.

We have to find light in things somehow, to keep ourselves sane.

So, be warned, delight in the visual but NEVER make this in the physical. 

The days when Tim Hortons has the Smile cookie promotion going on are good days at my house.  The funds they raise from the purchase of those cookies go to the local community as a charitable contribution in some way, and let’s face it, who doesn’t like that.

Additionally, the smiles on the cookies represent metaphorically many different things.  For instance, they could represent the smiles on the faces of the charity personnel who put the funds received to great use; or the smiles on the faces of those who literally benefit from the funds in some way; or those that eat the cookies because of their own personal contribution to a good cause and generated pride; or because those cookies are so darn good and simply make you happy when you eat them!  Whatever the reason, smiles are always good.

So, I have thought about this a bit and have decided to give away my own smile cookies.  Doing this is a way for me to subvert the intentionality of the Tim Horton’s smile cookies to a degree (not that it needs to be – (justification = me being paranoid about what people will think of my doing this)) but by giving away the cookies myself, I therefore become a direct donor to a charitable cause (my family, friends strangers) and perhaps create smiles that are generated by the receiving of a donation (the cookie).  (Smiles for eating remain the same!)

I mean,  who knows, as a result of my generosity maybe people will become a little more jovial and altruistic themselves and this will snowball into people developing their own acts of kindness and smile cookie give aways.

I guess I need to go pull a recipe together………..

Day 114 – ACORN HUNT

Having paranoia about losing my cell phone is driving me crazy.  I am always worried that I am going to forget it somewhere, like, set it down in the bathroom at a mall, or perhaps leave it on a counter and I am constantly checking for it in my purse whenever I go out.

I really need to stop worrying about it and stressing out because in truth, I probably won’t lose it.

To be sure, I should find/create a specific pocket for it in my purse to always know where it is, instead of digging through the depth of my purse every time.

Earlier, this got me thinking about squirrels and how they always know where their acorns are and/or where they put their stuff. (Well at least I think they do, I don’t think they have time to be looking all over the place all the time.)

Maybe I need to watch them a little more closely to really figure out their approach.

I really like glow-in-the-dark stuff because similarly to glitter and sparkles, it makes me smile and I think it makes the world a better place.

Glow-in-the-dark jazz, makes ordinary things extraordinary and I made some art with it today, digitally.


I made a collage today.  It was inspired by the idea of a ‘stomach collage’ (something probably not so beautiful but nonetheless, ideas gotta come from somewhere) and how the things we eat overlap and intertwine inside us and it is probably visually, spectacular, too bad we can’t really see it.  (I assume there is someway we could actually see it but it would probably be a tad bit evasive.)

So I started to think about the things I ate today and most recently, it would be pistachios. In keeping with my stomach collage idea, the pistachios would be the foreground or outer-most layer of my internal masterpiece.

So I arranged the pistachios to create a collage work and it turns out, it created quite a nice visual work.

Here is the newest layer of my ‘stomach collage’.

I made something today to represent the way I feel after the the hype of the holidays and the buzz of excitement wains, that time when reality sets back in.

I feel a little twisted up inside, recollecting the obligations that I so purposefully push to the back of my mind in order to relax a bit with the fam for the festive season.

But now I am back to feeling twisted up by my priorities and loose ends to tie up……I should probably do some yoga. wow.

I ate a chocolate this afternoon and its packaging was so ridiculously excessive, I arranged it and photographed it for my art today.

This happens irritatingly often, whereby companies use and waste material in the packaging of their products when there is no need to do so.  My little treat today was no exception to this happenstance.

I just can’t see how the unnecessary packaging is justified for/by the manufacturer. I really should write to them and ask how this makes sense to them. (and that they really need to develop a little paranoia about global warming or the (lack of) oil supply in the world today).  Holy moly.


The eve of Christmas is tonight and I created something this evening kinda by accident.

The list of tasks and stops I make over the holidays (and I assume lot’s of other people do the same) is pretty much a show going here, there and everywhere.  It’s bound to happen that each year, I forget something and this year was no different.

Some of the things I do must make my guy wonder but when you are in a pinch, you do what you gotta do.

I am pretty good at improvisation, it’s just a little creative thinking.

I wonder if my boy will even notice……… probably not.



Day 108 – I AM GOOD

It is interesting to think about morality and the values people hold.

I think I am rather paranoid about whether or not I am a good person.

To be honest, there have been days where I just didn’t feel like holding the door for someone (although it is very rare because I don’t like it when people don’t hold it for me (because usually I am carrying far too much and having the door slam just before I get to it is kinda upsetting)) or I don’t let that guy into line, who is waiting patiently in the driveway of the gas station trying to inch onto the road.

But overall, I try to hold values that promote kind hearted actions and compassion toward others.

I am hoping that the best of people have had their bad days when they just didn’t want to be nice and help out their neighbour in need.

As a way for myself to acknowledge the good person (I would like to think) inherently lies within, regardless if I fall off the wagon at times, and also paradoxically, as a reminder to let that guy in, even if I don’t want to because ‘I am a good person’, I made myself a little sticker to wear to keep me cognizant.

Maybe I should make everyone one.

Day 107 – ON A ROLL

Wow, ok, now I am getting a bit cocky.  The BBQ pizza I made for my family (see post PIZZA PIZZAZZ) was such a hit I guess I have developed this false(?) sense of ability to make tasty things to eat.

I decided to make cupcakes using fresh ingredients instead of the insta-cupcake from a box stuff (which by the way, is a total life-saver for me normally).

Turns out, SOMETIMES I can kinda bake.  Actually, it was probably all my six year old boys’ doing because he is a whiz when it comes to crankin’ out sweets (and crankin’ them in too! 🙂

Anyway, these cupcakes turned out to be the most delicious cupcakes I have ever tasted! (Except for the pink cupcakes at Starbucks, not much can beat those)

Recipe link: http://www.bigoven.com/recipe/177335/Vanilla-Cupcakes

It’s no wonder they are good really, worth a whopping 370 calories per cupcake! Yikes. But yum.

This post was inspired my molasses.

I emptied out my pantry cupboard today and had to get rid of some expired stuff (which kills me because I really hate to waste things) and I came across some ‘expired’ molasses.

I got to thinking about expiration dates and how the concept is interesting.  Things expire, in that they come to an end in terms of their existence, which in this case, is a warning for a consumer in some way.  The date in which something goes from good, to bad, can be okay one day and the next day, not.  (I assume that these dates are more-or-less guidelines, but the idea warrants mention.)

And just like the molasses in my pantry, all kinds of other things expire too.  Perhaps an ‘expiration day’, or a ‘best before date’ not only gives a buyer a window of opportunity to enjoy their perishable purchase but also foreshadows the temporality of all things.

Anyway, turns out molasses can make pretty much anything delightful.

even the compost….and it was so nice, I made it my art today.


I decided today that I wanted to discover a space that I had never noticed before.  This is not that hard because I really don’t notice EVERYTHING around me at any given time…I think it would be near impossible to do that.

However, I did manage to inaugurally discover something that was quite surprising to me among many other things that weren’t quite as interesting.

Turns out, the inside of an empty cereal box is quite amazing.  Who knew right? The only time I ever look into the box is to see if there is enough to finish the box off and fill my bowl.  If there is, I dump the contents into my bowl and I have never looked back into the box empty.  Today I did.

Turns out, it looks like a sterilization chamber in there and to be honest, it looks clean and cozy for the little bits of my breakfast cereal.

And, a pic of it turns out cool.  I think it’s a good idea to recognize that sometimes the packaging of something is just as valuable as the stuff it holds.  (Especially these days…….)

Today I tried my best to sit down and to to quiet my brain.  I find that when I don’t have a million things running through my brain at one time, such as schedules and deadlines, I start to think bad thoughts.  I make too many assumptions and become paranoid about way too many things.  It is really not good.

So I tried to give myself a little reminder while I was sitting on the chair to try and keep my mind at rest.

The text ‘sit’ implies to sit, take a load off and relax.  Like the proverbial patting of the seat by a good friend, next to them.   Like saying: ‘come, sit, take a load off……’

Hopefully it works.

Today I did a drawing for a lady.  She asked me to draw her daughter as a fairy as a Christmas gift.

Making gifts for people is one of the most rewarding things for me. I get the joy of creating as well as get to give someone something original.

(of course there is always the paranoia that the person won’t like it 😦 )

I think I may just do another drawing for someone else tomorrow……..yeah, maybe.


It is cool how humans and animals adapt to their surroundings and adapt their physical make up to fit the moment.

For instance, today I took a photo of my cats fur that had fallen off or was chewed off as a means of ‘fixing’ what was/wasn’t suppose to be there to fit it’s current self.

I think it is pretty cool.

This post is a testament to how the practicing of things can really increase your odds for improvement.

Like in my previous post GUINEA PIG, I decided to update my look by dying it a different colour.  However, unlike previous post,  this time, I didn’t end up with any tiger stripes.

I guess I am getting better at this!

Right On.

But, I probably shouldn’t let it go to my head………. so to speak.  🙂



Cool, it’s my 100th post.  Right on.

Today when out on the town, I stopped at the local grocery store and pulled into a spot at the back end of the lot.  There were many cars around me where I parked and I happened to be close-by to two cart return areas (this will become more important in a minute).

As I maneuvered my way into the parking spot I chose, I was met with a reality that exists in all grocery store parking lots.  The lazy shopper (well, signs of them anyway).

Specifically, the lazy shopper who is identified by what they left behind. Their shopping cart, left off to the side (of a parking spot) because they were too lazy to return it to the cart return area. (By the way, I am also assuming that if someone leaves their cart that they are lazy.)

I really don’t understand why people are lazy when it comes to returning carts to the cart return.  Really, it is only a few steps away in any particular direction (because I assume there is a standard footage between parking spots and cart returns) for you to walk and kindly return your cart so the lovely young man/woman who works at the store can come and get them and bring them back to the store relatively efficiently for other shoppers.  Really.

What was interesting about my particular parking spot was that it was not just one lazy shopper that occupied it before me and not even two, but three.  There were three carts sitting at various angles in the spot I drove into.

So, I began to think about this actually.

Are we really that influenced by the actions of others?  In that, when one person does something that may be controversial, others just follow suit as an act of empowerment.

Or did it just so happen that three shoppers at the back of the lot happened to be so busy in their life and needed to leave quickly that they didn’t have time to return their cart?

Or, did some clever person set them up in an attempt to get a crazy, wandering artist to comment on them in some way?

Who knows.  All I do know is, that I returned my cart to the cart return when I was done, it’s just the right thing to do.

Culinary creations are artistic masterpieces in my mind.

Probably because I am paranoid that I am not a good cook, (or baker for that matter) in fact, I am probably not paranoid, I am really bad at making food.

However, not all hope is lost because I can manage to cook up a favourite in my house every so often without it being a total failure.  BBQ Chicken Pizza.

As the name suggests, it has BBQ sauce (mixed with pizza sauce), Tex mex cheese, grilled peppers and onions, BBQ chicken and topped with bits of goat cheese.  And, boy is it good.

It really is a work of art.


I was out and about today and drank an excessive amount of coffee. (I am addicted to it)

I have an addictive personality and find that I am addicted to a variety of things most of the time.  Furthermore, when I eventually do kick one habit, I usually swapped with another.  Its a vicious cycle.

Anyway, while I was sucking back (one of my many) coffees of the day I noticed that in certain places, there is a tendency for people to watch you (alternatively, this may also just be me being paranoid again).

To be specific, in Starbucks people don’t watch people and/or listen to what you are talking about (because they are too enrolled in their own melodrama to be concerned with others’), but in Coffee Culture and Tim Hortons, people check out everything and everyone that come and go in the place, non-stop (me of course being one of these people (in all three places) and fitting this behaviour respectively).

I don’t know what this is all about and/or why this happens but I feel like I want to give the coffee shop goers some advice:

If you need to air some dirty laundry with a friend, or to secretly gossip about ‘that girl in class’  hit your local Starbucks because there, no one else will give a crap.

Coffee grounds

Drawings that kids create are awesome.

They are so innocent and honest and are a great way to realize their imagination (on paper).

Lord knows they have all kids of wild stuff going on in their brains and imaginations, so why not get some of it down on paper to make room for more stuff in there.

As a semi-guest post today, my boy’s drawing will serve as my inspiration.

What I think is interesting about this drawing is the use of various symbols in many ways.  I believe this may be because kids are naturally visual learners (in a variety of capacities) and so, symbols stick in their minds quite easily.

Furthermore, because their own lexicon of words is limited, they depend on the use of symbols as a way of communicating and understanding.  (However, I am not an expert on this at all, I just believe this idea could be true specifically for this drawing.)

Also, the speed in which their thoughts change and refine is quite remarkable, (given the scribbling out and re-drawing of things) in this regard, drawing seems to be a great way to think, question, re-visit, and inform thinking.  Pretty amazing stuff.

Then again, perhaps instead maybe its just some early signs of paranoia…….




Day 96 – CHEWIE

Today I was super excited because I realized that the Lego Star Wars advent calendar going on in my house these days produced my all-time fav character from star wars, Chewbaca.  Right on.

I love Chewie and think his character in all the Star Wars movies is quite a pivotal role really.  He is always helpin’ out, stickin’ up for what he believes in and coming through for others just when they need it.  He is one cool dude.  Plus, when it comes to Wookies, their identity is a little ambiguous and I think this is super cool because who doesn’t want to be a creature that is a bit mysterious and that people wonder about all the time.

Wait a minute…………………………..

Anyway, this post is a tribute to Chewbaca the Wookie and the wonderous and enigmatic creature that he is.

Chewie, you are on top of the world in my books.

Well, first I should say something brief about yesterday’s post.  It was a post and it was intentional.

Yesterday’s post was about the art of nothing.  The concept of nothing is essentially an art form in itself, I believe, and as a way to acknowledge its complex nature, I thought I would take a stab at it in a blog post.  However, even creating a blog post about nothing is essentially creating something, so I don’t know if I really did what I intended.  It is quite a phenomena.

Anyway, as for today’s art making, I was inspired by losing myself in wilderness.  It is a delicately peaceful venture, and is a way to de-stress and notice the natural wonder that exists in the world.  Love it.

Come to think of it, I guess when I get lost in the natural world, it is a way to contemplate nothing……it seems that in those moments there is nothing (oxymoron – I know, even writing about it is hard) that really matters or nothing in the forefront of those moments that needs your attention or decision making.

That, is truly blissful.

Perhaps that is it……..nothingness is bliss.  Hmmmmmm……

Day 94 –






















See tomorrow’s post about this post. 🙂

Preservation is an interesting concept and there are so many levels of it for understanding.

Preserving the world so as to maintain our own survival is a must these days, and while I am not going to berate that topic (although I am super passionate about what we are and are not doing as a society to meet this agenda) but I thought it was worth mentioning for a post about preservation.

Alternatively, food is also preserved, in many different ways…….cans, jars, chemicals….etc.

But, the focus tonight is my preserving of oil paint, specifically to use on another painting (re-using and recycling left over excess paint from my last painting) and the beautiful happenstance that transpired from this process.

What I thought was a funny irony about this occurrence was that I had spend a bunch of hours painting with the paint and was able to produce something just as noteworthy by unintentionally making a simple print on a piece of syran wrap.

But that happens all the time…….we struggle to achieve beauty even when it is right under our noses.

Day 92 – COCOON

I started a painting today and made some headway, but I didn’t get it done (so I am a bit paranoid that I won’t get it done by Friday, which is when I need it for).

I guess it is ok, but I can’t wait to see it when it is done.

Painting is relaxing and I just can’t believe how fast the time goes when I am in that creative zone.  It is like the whole world just disappears.

Cocoon. Reflect, transform, emancipate.  I am incapsulated within the cocoon of my own body, I am changing.

We’ll see how it turns out…….

The painting that is. 🙂

And now it is complete:

Day 91 – GET READY

I came across this sign today and thought it was kinda funny.

Despite the pretty cool picture that this turned out to be, with my reflection superimposed on the sign itself, which in turn, (I believe) actually speaks to the meaning of the sign.  The term ‘get ready to save’ implies there is a need to prepare for the savings you are about to receive from buying the merchandise in this store.

I need to mention a few things about this.

Firstly, the sign is contradictory, because if I am going into the store to buy something, I am spending not saving. (Although assuming I understand the perspective intended (in that your are saving compared to what the same things in the store cost elsewhere), I thought this was worth mentioning the irony).

Secondly, I think it interesting the various meanings inherent in the sign at the front entrance of this store.  Including the incomers’ reflections in it, the sign is symbolic of a mirror and thus, as we are reflective; literally (our image can be reflected back to us in a mirror) and figuratively (in that we can personally and cognitively reflect on our experiences/circumstances in life), it silently asks the question to us, are we ready? Ready for the savings, that is, can you look in the mirror and know that you are prepared for what is coming.

Implying that the savings are so big that we must be prepared for them, I assume, is intended to create a sense of excitement in the potential buyer.  Because, all the ‘big’ things in life, must be prepared for.

It is good use of psychology……… (but as mentioned it also has it’s flaws).

Whether or not the ad/marketing department cleverly were intentional in choosing the reflective medium for the sign, it is a pretty good marketing campaign.

However, all I know is, that today in that store, I didn’t save a dime.

Unfortunately, I have no ‘method to my madness’ for this work (and I am not gonna be paranoid about it either :).  I just started drawing with some pastels I found on my supply shelf (and the just happened to be of super high quality, yay) and started to draw.

It is not the what I created today that has me writing this, but the how does.

In my opinion, it is important to sometimes just create when the mood strikes (or when you have some really great pastels around) and not worry about saturating your creation with deep seeded motivations or concepts.

Just getting it (creative juices/flow) going and out, is just as important.

Here is my: Pastelly-mithinga-mahollyer. 🙂

It feels like I am having trouble even writing this……. I assume it is because over the course of the last two days, I have collectively written 6,264 words and my brain just can’t take any more.

I am hopeful though, that given the amount of energy exhausted from my brain (ie: thinking power and wordcount) over the past couple days, it will result in something akin to how my body reacts after the weightlifting class I attend.  It just keep getting stronger….. (after I heal of course).

Here’s to hopin’.

Day 88 – HI

In my travels today I needed to go to the facilities (of course) (and on more than one occasion) so I decided to make a little art while I was in there one of those times.

Turns out, I realized, that the public bathroom is somewhat of an anti-social place, no one talks to you at all (after all, I guess it is just for goin’ …and not for havin’ tea) but that is not to say that you can’t be cordial while you’re in there.

I notice people are not that friendly (well at least in the girls’ anyway) and I assume it is probably because they are just in a hurry to get back to tending to their shopping efforts.

Oh well, at the very least, I thought I should say ‘hello’ to the person that comes in after me.  🙂

I love smoking.

I know how hard it is for people to quit because it feels so awesome to do it.

Smoking smokes just goes hand in hand with many other activities: the drinking coffee smoke, the having beers smoke, the after sex smoke, the stressin out about crap smokes, and then theres the socializing with the other smokers in the ‘designated area’ smokes….etc….

Which brings me to my next point, how about that alter area that exists to herd the smokers away from everyone else.  I mean, I get it, some people don’t want to breathe in second handers but little do they know that the people in that smoking area are super cool.  Not cool because they smoke, but because they are usually, genuinely really awesome people with a wicked story to tell.  And if you stand there long enough, you just might catch bits of it. Awesome.

With smoking being so great and all, its a wonder I quit, almost two years ago. Hmmmm…………

And yes, I realize the negative effects of smoking…..I read about it on my packs everyday.

Sparkles are the best.

They pretty much make anything they are put on, better.

I was decorating for the holidays today (so much for wandering) because I am getting paranoid that I am not keeping up with the Jones’.  Everyone else on my street, (well at least my end anyway) have their decoration adorned homes just beaming with festive delight.

I, on the other hand, still need to rake up the Fall leaves……yep, it is now December.  I know, it’s bad news.

So I had at ‘er today and got everything out, organized and displayed for the holiday season and now I feel better.

Specifically though, I was really happy to display my sparkly things just because they are so awesome.

I took this photograph using a red on red composition to really capture the beauty of the ornament.

Sparkle on.

I got to thinking about word associations today for some reason when I was writing the same words a number of times earlier.

It is interesting how we associate alternative meanings to words other than that which was intended.  I think it is wild that words and language are socially constructed.  (I think that is probably how we came up with the different categories of words, ie: verbs, adjectives, nouns, in which the same word can have a number of different meanings – just assuming here.)

But what I am talking about is when we associate meanings to words that are unintended in the use of proper language. For example, sometimes I say: ‘rock n’ roll’ to mean right on or awesome.  Or,  ‘peace out’ to mean take care or good-bye.


I found an awesome happenstance in my office today, some of the leaves had fallen off a plant I have growing in there and landed on the floor.

So, I pushed them together into a pile which, in my mind created an interesting juxtaposition involving the leaves and the underlying floor.  The combination of these two elements, made me think of the floor as the trunk of a tree and the fallen leaves as the canopy.  This artwork creates a commentary to the commercialization of wood as a commodity (floor) and the cutting down of natural elements (dying leaves) to facilitate it.

Plus, I thought is was pretty cool of me to grow a tree in my own backoffice.

Day 83 – DOHKNOT

Out and about today, I discovered through the various interactions I had with people, that I am, (and we all are) an innately complex being and the workings of my inner self are intricate and vast.  Its no wonder that I sometimes (figuratively) try to cover it up and hide it (this aspect, I suspect, is also paranoia in some form or another).

I created this knot with play-doh today as a way to represent the natural complexity of us as beings and the hand we have in making ourselves as complex as we want/need to be at any moment.

Finger-painting is so underrated and I don’t think that enough adults engage in it.

A good finger-painting session every once and a while is good and healthy for everyone in my opinion.

The act of finger-painting is such a freeing experience as well as liberating because normally in our lives we are so contrived guided by rules and linear thinking/doing.  And if that isn’t enough, we are always expected to be clean [(and prudish) assuming] most of the time, so getting down and dirty into paint doesn’t appeal to the masses.

But it should.  Some of the world most beautiful creations are a result of people letting go of their ideals and taking risks.  It is really very noble and something to be proud of doing………every so often.

Liberate the inner spirit and get a little messy, finger-paint.

Putting the lights up at my house today was pretty exciting and I was really looking forward to seeing them all lit up as the sun went down.  Furthermore, I was hoping to surprise my guy because I know how much he hates putting up the lights every year ( it has a lot to do with his fear of heights (and being paranoid about falling) and the whole ladder climbing thing).

Anyway, just as he pulled in, the sun was going down (perfect!) and I was ready to plug it all into the outlet for the big hurrah.  So I did.

But…….unfortunately, it didn’t meet my expectations.

Some of the *&$@#*% lights didn’t come on, which was SUPER frustrating seeing that I had checked them all BEFORE I put them up.

Alas, I guess tomorrow I’ll be spending (who knows how much) time checkin’ bulbs to find the naughty one that messed up my plans.  Curses.

That’s the problem with expectations I guess, sometimes they get you all upset.


I like the idea of pencil shavings in my art today as a metaphor for getting rid of some unwanted layers of individual self to expose a new and exciting, sharp self.

I think it’s good to once and a while, peel off those unnecessary bits that keep us less astoot, less focused, less pointed and less effective in life (figuratively of course!).

Peeling off those layers and making a fresh start once and a while (in any capacity) can leave one feeling anew, awakened and refreshed.

Yes, I really  like this metaphor, peel on.


Day 78 – VANITAS

Being egotistical, narcissistic and/or vain are not good traits to have.  I don’t think I am these things but I do recognize my own personal faults when it comes to my vanity around my thoughts and opinions.  Perhaps the daily rhetoric of this blog is a testament to that in it’s own right.  Yeah, probably. 🙂

There are times I think that other people believe I don’t care about what their thoughts and opinions are.  Because, when they share their own experiences/questions, I am not very good at giving feedback or shedding light on a new perspective for them.   But its not because I don’t care about what they are saying, or don’t want to help, its because I don’t think I am very good at giving advice or providing insight for people.

This is potentially for a couple of reasons I figure: 1) I am REALLY not qualified to make judgement calls when it comes to the lives of others, because I think I do a pretty good job at messing my own life up most of the time. I am just really not qualified…………..its a wonder if they ask actually; and 2) I am SUPER paranoid about giving someone the wrong advice/or perspective on something and then they use/take it and it turns out really bad (thus resulting in them hating me forever!); and 3) (I know I only said two but this popped into my head) In reality, usually people don’t really want advice, because they too are a bit vain about their own thoughts and opinions and in essence, are just venting.

My art today is a Vanitas, capturing the juxtaposition of the prominent presence of vanity and the delicate transient nature of life.

(Perhaps if we stopped thinking of ourselves and started thinking about others in this world, it would be a better place.)


This is a pretty cool picture that I snapped today on my outings, of six foot waves of lake Ontario crashing into the shoreline.

Even thought the water swells were seemingly threatening looking and chaotic (with all that thrashing), they were somewhat soothing and hypnotic for me.  I found myself transported into somewhat of a trance-like state due to my captivation by those waves.  In those moments, I found myself in a space whereby my life (body-mind) seemed to be at rest in comparison and it was such a great feeling.

My art today is about just that, finding peace within the state of affairs of one’s own life in contrast to that of someone else’s (the waves).  I was told that we don’t really know what its like to have a busy life until we live in someone else’s shoes for a bit.

In that regard, I say, ride the wave of life and recognize that sooner or later the tide will ebb.


I believe that my life can be likened to tonal gradations.

For instance, while some days I want to just fade into the background, other days I am ready to take on the world and face it head on like a dark, looming, storm ready to take out anything in it’s path.

And then there are the days where I fit somewhere in between on that scale, when I am not prepared to be an extreme of any kind and know/want to just ‘be’ in my role of the moment.

Yeah, I am like a gradation, and today, it seems I’m a mid-tone.

Day 75 – SUCKA

I am a sucker when it comes to making stuff for other people.  I seem to not be able to say no when someone asks me to paint/draw them something.

I guess I don’t really mind, but it really cuts in to my already jam-packed day and I have to rush things usually which isn’t the best thing to do when doing something for someone else.

Plus, I guess I am a little paranoid that if they ask me and I say no, they may think I CAN’T do it and that just doesn’t cut it, cause even if I can’t I will always give it a go.

So, Christmas parade up.

My art today is a super fast painted 6×8 foot backdrop (and not totally in perspective as a result), that I hope they like despite it’s flaws.


I went to a wearable art fashion show tonight and it was pretty fun.

While I was there, I was thinking about fashion in general and how I just assume that a person’s personal style is an artwork in itself at times.  The personal style of someone meets the parameters of what I think other people consider art.  Style, as a form of personal narrative and a creation assembled by the artist with their intentions, their feelings and their motivations in mind IS art.  I don’t think that a specific show that defines what people are wearing: as art,  is necessary because in my opinion, we are all walking masterpieces anyway.

Wear who you are and smile.

This artwork is about the nature of things and the human capacity for altering natural phenomena.  Given the breadth of human influence on nature it is a wonder we haven’t done a few things differently.  For instance, it would be great if we could cross-breed trees to produce three different fruits instead of one resulting in something like an appleyorange tree that would produce apples, oranges and a new hybrid fruit: appanges. Ha!

I would have all kinds of these new tree species sprouting up in my backyard!

I guess maybe this is not SUCH a great idea seeing that it hasn’t been done yet, (and who am I for assuming I have come up with a totally novel idea).  Furthermore, come to think of it, I think humans have enough on their plate already, trying to deal with the impacts we have had on our natural world and how we can undo them.

In that regard, perhaps appanges are the last thing that should be on my mind.

I have been running around like a maniac lately and I am now starting to feel the repercussions.

Being paranoid about my hair is the last thing I should be worrying about given the long list of other jazz I need to get done and/or think about but I noticed today that it is apparently feeling the same way as me these days. (fallin’ apart) 🙂

I thought it was kinda funny that for the most part, I think I am pretty good at hiding what I am feeling within (especially if it is negative) or keeping everything in my life seemingly held together with minimal/little disconcerting evidence portrayed to any particular conversationalist.

Well, today I realised I was wrong because as it turns out, sometimes our outsides can match our insides and without us even noticing.


This is a linear, graphic representation of the meanings of events in my life so far.  CRAZY.

I snapped this photo of my muffin today but because I have already written a post about a muffin, I will keep this one short.

I was just shocked by the beauty of my muffin today and I was a bit paranoid at the time that if I ate the muffin, it’s beauty would be lost forever and unseen and I felt this was a shame.  (Hence the pic, capturing the muffin’s beauty indefinitely)

Here’s to finding beauty, when you least expect it.

Day 69 – BUBBLES

Walking about today, I started thinking about bubbles, their purpose and their transient nature.  Bubbles are never identical and I guess in that regard, along with their impermanence, parallel the make up of a snowflake.

But in some ways, bubbles are different, for instance, bubbles ascend while snowflakes descend and for me, (aside from being a soapy mess) bubbles represent a sort of transparent, reflective moment of vulnerability.

In a fantastical sense, bubbles would seem to have the ability to trap inside our deepest, most secret thoughts, feelings and carry them up into the atmosphere where they will ultimately be distinguished and shared with no one.   At the same time, provide a sort of fleeting mirror for us to see ourselves in, in a ephemeral moment of time and then say goodbye to in the same breath.

I wish I had a bucket FULL of bubble juice these days.

Lately, I have been delving deep into my memories and developing associated meanings around the significant experiences I have had in my life.  So far, it hasn’t been fun and more often than not, ends up with me and a tear or two.

I assume that everyone’s life story isn’t complete without a perceptual saga to carry around and shape us as a beings.

It has made me realize though, that by not acknowledging the not-so-great events in my life that I have perhaps been leading a somewhat of a distorted life.  A life, personally filtered by my own discretions (in that I let myself come to terms with only the things I consciously want to come to terms with) and have created a superficial lens through which I view the world.

So, I created an artwork today that comments on the (up until now) distorted perception of my life and the underlying clarity accessible (inherently) after cleaning the skeletons out of the closet.

I noticed that the genre of science fiction is still prevalent in the book stores of today. I guess it will never die down if there are always “Trekkies” (and the like) who lap that stuff up.

I am not a fan of sci-fi books at all, in fact, the only sci-fi anything I like is Star Wars.  Star Wars is such a classic tale and is seemingly timeless, as generation upon generation of people grow to just love it.

So, as a little tribute to sci-fi storytelling, I whipped up a little narrative complete with an illustration as my art for today.

There is no telling what will happen next……………………


Today I turned myself into a ‘guinea pig’ in the name of art making.  It’s a noble cause I figure, it is good to once and a while, mix it up.

I passed many beauty salons on my adventures today and  they got me to thinking about my look.  I figured it was high time for me to get my hair done, after all, I am in my thirties now and need a bit of primping every so often to help reduce the signs of aging.   Plus, I assume my guy likes it.

I was contemplating in my head how I could justify dropping over a hundred bucks for a new look that may last two days (at best)…however, I couldn’t do it.  No matter how hard I tried, it just didn’t make any sense to me.

So I figured I would just look after it myself and spent a whopping  fifteen bucks instead.

Well, let’s just say that these sorts of things should be left to the professionals.

I got some stripes but I also got some art, so it’s not a total loss I guess.


Art is created in all sorts of ways and with all sorts of different motivations behind it.

Today my motivation is the paranoia I feel that is associated with feeling guilty.

Sometimes I feel paranoid that people will think a particular way about my actions or something I do or say and then, because I am feeling paranoid about that, I ‘give off’ the guilt vibe which insinuates that my intentions are what they were thinking. (I assume it does anyway)

It is hard to explain…..I must be (going) crazy.

In any regard, this abstract piece encapsulates my (unjust) feelings of guilt derived from my paranoia.


I was thinking about the game snakes and ladders (what is it with me and games lately??!!) and I came up with a perspective on what helps you to succeed in a task that you are trying to complete (in your life).

So I created a snakes and ladders game representation that identifies the ladders as strengths and the snakes as discouragements, or things that get in the way of reaching my goals.

Only thing is, I couldn’t come up with anything that legitimately stops me from realizing my goals for the snakes.  Everything I thought of was superficial or an excuse or not really a problem and I initially figured there would be lot’s, so I drew lot’s of snakes.

I wonder how often we do this in life, put up barriers even before there are any or create our own barriers in our heads without really thinking that we have the control to carry on despite set backs, and/or tribulations.  I guess it’s a frame of mind.

This post is about shadows and how fascinating they are.  When I was out today, I noticed the shadows of things cast on the path before me as I walked, it was so interesting.

Then I got to thinking about shadows and how they have their own stories.  They have a temporal, fleeting existence that captures the identity of something else in one moment while at the same time surfaces as an individual entity when original source (for the shadow) is not seen.    It is a dichotomy that provides countless interpretations and opportunities for investigation.

My art today is a shadow cast by an unidentified source object (that I contrived) and so, is left open for interpretation.

I was wandering today and the afternoon was so beautiful.  The sun was shining, the air was warm, there was a nice breeze, it was great.

What is even better about today is that as I was walking though this particular area, I came across a table.  On that table was a pile of money, it was a pile of pennies to be exact but that is money nonetheless.  (Not only that, but they were all American pennies!!)

This struck me as really cool.  Who would leave money out on a table and what were their intentions for doing so?  Were they monitoring the table to see if someone would take the money? Did they leave the money for someone to take?

I thought it was awesome.  While I didn’t take the money because I wanted the next person to sit down at the table, to have an experience with the money and the leaver’s intentions and to revel in questions around it as I did.

But, I did however, move the money around to turn it into my art for today.

I think I am going to leave a little treasure for someone else to find somewhere……and for them to ponder it. Perhaps tomorrow……….



I came across a lot of dirt, in and about today.

My house is normally out of sorts and untidy given the busy schedules in my life and I only get time to REALLY clean every so often.

In fact, it is not very often at all that I get to clean and I have even called in a cleaning company a couple times this year just because I haven’t had time to do it myself (and I am super paranoid about someone coming over for a visit unexpectedly and seeing a mess, I would be so embarrassed)!

My house can be really messy at times with all the dust that circulates.

And in keeping with my post “Fingerprint Man”, the thought of all those dead skin particles lying around and that I am breathing in, is really gross.

But, what can I do, this is a part of living with other people and it seems that since we got our lastest edition to the household, (a 150 pound dog) things have even gotten worse.  Yikes.  I guess I have to break out the duster or call in the crew again.

With all of that said, my art today is about the medium in which we create things and what associations that medium encompasses.

“The Medium is the Message” – Marshall McLuhan.

Day 60 – THE THING

Things that make you go hmmmmm……………..

Today I made a little painting inspired by a car I spotted parked on a street near where I was wandering.  The car had what appeared to be a big dent in it or a large brown spot on the rear right tail light.  I thought it was crazy what must have happened to this car.

I was stunned.  Just from the angle the car was parked I had made up (assumed) this whole big story for myself around what I thought must have happened. Because, when I went another way to look at it from a different angle I found out it was just a reflection!!! Wild.

My painting is just an image of a thing, not any particular thing but it’s representation (like my experience with the car) reflects the notion of seeing (doing) something, making it mean something to ourselves and then learning from our meaning making process.

I hope it works.

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight.

Make a wish tonight.




Wandering around in my house today, I was reminded of the game of clue.  It is such a great game and I was reminded of it today because a came across a spot on the floor that had a drop of blood on it.  (Well, I assumed it was blood anyway, it looked like it.)

While this is not totally ‘out there’ to occur (having drips of blood on my floor) because after all, I do live with a decently active man, two active boys, two fast and furious (and always looking for trouble) boy cats, and one VERY big male dog.  (Yes, I am overwhelmed by the testosterone at times, ha.) And at anytime really, any one of them could be dripping blood and it wouldn’t be that unusual.

However, I got to thinking of the game because I was trying to figure out, like in the game Clue, who it could have been and how and where they could have gotten hurt.  So I played this little mental mind game with myself running through scenario after scenario trying to figure out ‘who dun it’.

I am pretty sure I have figured it out now, it was my big boy dog.  He has an elbow cut and a limp (which just started). I win.

Doesn’t he know he is too big and too old to be getting in fights these days.  Man….men. 🙂


That meant I got to clean it up.  :-[

I like to really look at things while I am wandering and try to decipher other shapes and objects within what I am looking at.  It keeps my eyes keen and this way, I tend notice a lot of new things that I otherwise wouldn’t have noticed.

I say we should really look at the things around us and delight in the possibilities created by the mind’s eye and not to assume things are just what they appear to be.

This is some candy sugar that spilled out of my son’s candy bag and onto the table.

Today I had a job interview, and the assumptions I manifested beforehand around how it would go, or what the people would think of me and other thoughts I had, were crazy ridiculous.  I pretty much nearly talked myself out of going because I was super paranoid that I wasn’t going to know the answers to the questions they would ask.  It is mystifying why we do this to ourselves.

But……….. I did manage to get there, and I got through it alright.  (well, I survived anyway, not sure if I did ok yet.)

I think I should do that more often, just dig my claws in when the going gets tough and get ‘er done.

(and save myself some mental turmoil once and a while).

I LOVE Halloween!!!!!  It is so fun and exciting AND creepy and ghostly.  It is my favourite holiday and I look forward to it every year.

(I am also addicted to chocolate so that adds to my fondness of the season a little.)

Halloween is great because it’s really the only time in your life when you don’t need to paranoid or worried in any way about who you are and/or what you look like.

It’s the only day in the year that you can be anyone or anything you want and no one will say/think anything about it.

It is total freedom of individuality at it’s the best.

Today, I celebrate Halloween in my art and wish the lantern to light the way to everyone’s individualized self-expression tonight and every night.

Cheers Halloween, this one’s for you.

What do YOU see?

I should never assume that there is the same ‘something’ to be seen by everyone in an artwork.

Therefore, what someone sees in this work (within the shavings in the sink (bet you didn’t assume that!) is what they are meant to see.


Out in the world today I saw a lot of stuff I wanted to buy, and that got me thinking about the excess of things that I already have (that I don’t need), as well as the stuff that I thought I didn’t need but now after thinking more about it, I may have a reason/purpose for it.

I have tons of excess stuff in my life, in my house and in my head.  These things are excessive in different ways, like: cause undue stress, unnecessarily take up space, and make me crazy, respectively.

I am going to re-visit my excess of things and find ways to ‘un-excess’ them either by re-purposing them, giving them away to someone else or perhaps some other way.

My first project: My excess paint, (leftover from a painting that I didn’t use up on a new painting and therefore dried up) re-purposed into it’s own work of art.

Yay, it’s a start.

Numbers are quite fascinating.

Now, while I think numbers are interesting and intriguing, I really don’t like math very much and I hated university economics, but the potential of them and the breadth they encompass is just awesome.

I can’t think of another global symbol systems (besides language, but it’s different) that is so extraordinary. ( I assume there isn’t another one however, I don’t know for sure. (Hmmmm so is that assuming???? hmmmmm 🙂  (Oh man, now I am being paranoid about whether or not I am really assuming things…….there is no hope……)

Numbers are used for all sorts of things such as: age, time, date, counting, identifying, labelling, tracking, stats and SO MANY MORE things that I won’t write them all down.

My art today was inspired by numbers because as I was wandering today I came across many of them.

This is a photo-work with a number I captured in an ambiguous way, the viewer brings to it their own stories, thoughts and ideas.

I was pondering about rainbows today.

I was thinking back to last week when I saw one upon coming out a store, it was so wondrous.  Rainbows are one of those natural wonders of the world that just make you smile.

This piece is an artwork about rainbows and how they can bridge my mind and thinking from the natural (real) to the fantastical just because of their happenstance.

I think perhaps I am paranoid about being able to do that myself, in as much as being able to provide for someone an emotional/mental transport from the mundane to the exciting.  Maybe it’s just me thinking too much, or maybe I am just not trying hard enough, or maybe it just can’t be done because I am not a rainbow, who knows.







Holy moly day 50 already.  I can’t believe it.

Wandering today I saw some teenagers meandering about on a sidewalk on a busy street, being teenagers.  I also saw an elderly man shaking his head at those same teenagers in disapproval of something they were doing. (I am not sure at what exactly he was disapproving of about what they were doing as I was kinda far away, and I am also assuming all of this, for the same reason).

This got me thinking that teenagers have a bad wrap.  Sometimes it’s just because of stereotypes and other times I think it’s just that to some people, (especially those stuck in the past) teenagers just can’t do anything right.

I don’t think it’s fair and furthermore it’s having detrimental affects on the teenagers of the world today.

Not only are we always telling them to follow the rules and do as they are told, but when they are just being themselves, they are still wrong.  What is that all about.

I can tell you first hand that teenagers are so used to being told what to do, and what not to do that they sometimes have a had time thinking for themselves.  They have all kinds of pressures to meet various expectations, from various people that I have found when you give them a choice, they don’t know what to do with it.  (now, I am not saying that there should be no parameters or expectations, just not to over do it because it is having adverse repercussions).

I asked some teens to give me their input on a matter (that affected them) and they couldn’t even fathom that I was doing that, that they actually had a say in what was going to go on.  In, fact, they seemed so intimidated by the concept that they couldn’t even say a thing.

How is this helpful? The kids of the future are not able to make a judgement call that will affect them and others around them because for so long, they haven’t been allowed to.  Seems like a bit of a problem to me.

My Audio Art – teenagers

Wandering about today I came across something that got me thinking (as usual).  It was something I had seen many times before, but today was the first time I really spent any substantial brain power on it.

I was driving around today and I ended up at one point, behind a transport truck on the highway, and on the back of the truck was one of those “MISSING” posters (for missing people) with the image of a girl that looked to be in her late teens or even twenties posted.

At first, I initially thought, wow, those truck drivers sure have a problem around losing their children,…………..but then I realized, of course (cause sometimes it takes me a bit) that I was being ridiculous and pretty dumb.  HA.

Then I thought about the process of putting these posters on the backs of trucks and I thought it was a pretty good idea.  Considering that those drivers drive for miles and miles and cover a lot of ground everyday, it is probably good odds that someone will probably, eventually, recognize a face.  (Well hopefully anyway)

Of course that got me thinking about how sad that is and how the families must be feeling…etc. but that got too sad so I moved on to other thoughts……

Such as this:

I thought about how those photos sometimes age the person that went missing in correspondence to the length of time that they have been missing.  For example, if a 5 year old goes missing and is missing for 5 years, the people that make the posters, enhance the 5 year old picture to give an estimate of what the child looks like now after 5 years.  (I know there are also computer enhancement programs as well that assist with this process).

This reminded me of proportion and how, while the proportion within those photos remains, the image enhancement probably isn’t accurate.  It can’t be all that accurate in the manner that there are so many other variables involved in the way someone’s appearance changes.  Furthermore, if someone took a child, they probably will make sure they change the way the child looks so as to not be recognized.  So while I think it is admirable they do this as a way to help, I am not too sure that those photos on the backs of the trucks will be overall, highly effective.

Just my opinion of course, I am really totally ignorant to the photo process in it’s entirety (so I am assuming all of this).

Whew……all that, and my art is about proportion.  Here’s to the proportion of people staying consistent and that being enough to find the people.


Mr. Hatch is a construct from my mind.  He exists only from the compilation of various lines put together by me.

(I really think graphite drawing is under-rated, I love it).

Mr. Hatch represents a concept.

He represents the concept of starting with something simple (line) and turning it in to something more complex, unique and personal.

This concept crosses over various types of meaning and methodologies but for me he captures the essence of making something out of nothing and making it your own.  The idea of this, at times, can be quite daunting and cause dissociative tendencies in the context that we like to turn our back on things as they get tough or when we hit road blocks.  ‘Mr. Hatch’ encourages me to persevere and complete the tasks I set out to do in the first place, he reminds me that we get out of things, what we put into them.

Thanks Mr. Hatch, you always know how to line me up in the right direction.


Today’s post is short and sweet as I am super tired and need to go to bed!!

This is about meaning embedded in material objects.

For example, rings.  Rings hold great sentimental value to their wearer and it is very interesting that we are so attached to them furthermore, do they signify things to others?

I have to think more about this!

I came to the realization that I LOVE peanut butter.  I came to this realization years ago but was reminded of it again today, and I gotta say that my love for peanut butter does not wane a bit even as the years pass by.

This is a problem.

It is most unfortunate that I love peanut butter as much as I do and work with kids.  Because of this combination, my intake of peanut butter has decreased phenomenally and I am extra careful not to have any in the food I eat around kids.  😦

There are so many peanut allergies these days that I have to be so mindful to ensure ‘nut free’ environments are maintained (to prevent anaphylactic reactions) and because of this, my relationship with peanut butter has transitioned from my favourite lunch dish of PB & J to a sporadic dinner dish.

I suppose I can assume that I’ll survive from my lack of peanut butter intake, I just might not like it, and that’s more than I can say for those people that just aren’t that lucky enough to have the choice.

Today, I have been very busy prepping for a big event that I am having tomorrow, it is exciting and a lot of work but I am looking forward to it.

As I am feeling somewhat paranoid around others’ expectations for tomorrow, I decided to make an artwork about attempting to find humour in even the smallest of things.

Laughing and more specifically, smiling, can earn you a minimun of a solid two years added to your life and defuse the negative or not so positive things going on in your life.  So, I am going to go for it and revel in the littlest of things to keep me light at heart despite the chaos around me.

It is simple, yet satisfying. (and of course metaphors and deep meaning are embedded with it.  🙂












This post is about authorship and how I am (and others are) paranoid about other people stealing ideas and or credit around something I/we do.

While this really doesn’t bother me that much as I am a big fan of appropriation and I love to share ideas (as I believe the best kind of art comes from an idea that has been informed, re-worked or improved by another artist(s)) but there are a lot of people that want credit where credit is due and get ticked if it doesn’t happen.

With this in mind, I created an artwork informed by someone else’s work.  It begs the question, who’s art is it then?  Mine, or theirs?

Or does it matter?

I noticed all the people with their digital devices while wandering today.

The prevalence is quite astounding given that the introduction of the first computers was a couple of decades ago.  The transition from the immobile input/output of the first computers to the instant access anytime-anywhere facilitation is quite astounding.  The many branches of  interaction via digital devices such as social interaction, communication, entertainment, information access, organization and etc.,is mind boggling.

While tinkering with my own device today, I managed to create a “digital artwork” using one of my many apps (yet another nuance, the intro of a brand new language as a result of technological advancements) and I thought it was pretty interesting in terms of what this means to the art world.  In the years to come, the art historical canon will have yet another art genre to distinguish from its predecessors and successors.

Here’s the term I came up with for it:

“The Cloud Period”

My art today embodies the elements of an artwork from “The Cloud Period”.

This post is about taking risks.

I think that I have control over what I reveal to people in terms of what I am comfortable sharing with them about me or my life.  What I think is important about this control is taking advantage of it and using it/varying it in a way sometimes whereby I fluctuate the levels, so that at times I exceed my standard comfort level.

By doing this, I feel I expose myself to certain experiences that I normally wouldn’t experience if I had not done so.  Good or bad, these experiences send me down a path of individualized personal growth in some way and I value this experience a lot.  It provides me with a fuel to reflect and learn about/how I feel about the outcomes of these exchanges and from this, as I have found so far, in the times of (little bits) discomfort I am provided with a lot of learning.

I think it is good to be real.  To let the inner you shine through in the things you do because we all have a significant part in creating our own personal journey and being you is integral to it.

I say, make it as wild and crazy as posible. ( I am assuming this makes for a great and wonderful life but I am sure others could attest to the opposite 🙂

This is a face created from yogurt on my plate.  I think it captures the essence of possibility in identifying something in everything.

Today I was doodling a lot and I thought about how doodling has helped me in manner ways over the course of my life.

Firstly, it is a big stress-reliever, if I just doodle on a piece of paper in front of me, I forget about any worries (or paranoia) that I had before I started.

Secondly, I think it’s a way to transport your mental being into a fantastical world where reality may or may not exist (in keeping with the first reason).

Thirdly, because although my hand is moving and doodling it sometimes helps keeps my mind focused on the important things people may be saying around me.  (I suspect this is because it quiets my go-go-go mind, which leaves room (and opens the door) for other information to enter in).

I say everyone should doodle their hearts out and expand their minds.


Recently my boys adopted animals that came individually boxed  from a bookstore.

They are very excited about their new adopted friends and having them be an active part of our family.

The concept of teaching a child to adopt and take care of a creature is pretty cool and I think they can learn a lot from the process and the type of creatures they adopted were particularly awesome.  For instance, one got a sock monkey and the other a yeti (while the neighbour boy adopted a zombie from the same agency).

What I got to thinking about though, is how these creatures are now outside their natural habitats and perhaps are not well equipped with adaptations for a new life in my home.  I don’t think the kids thought about this before jumping right into adoption.

So while this process may lead to a most unfortunate learning experience for my boys (in that their new companions may not be able to thrive in their new environments) it may be fun while it lasts.  So, to make the best out of the experience for the new additions I thought I would try to make their transitions as seamless as possible as well.


Sometimes things are not what they seem, for instance,  when I was out today, I noticed that the sky was an ominous grey colour and I was just waiting for it to open up and downpour on me.   But, I came to realize, the association I was making (between the clouds being grey and any minute it was going to rain) was incorrect as it didn’t even drop a bit while I was out and it still hasn’t.

Not to say that when clouds are grey they never rain but when I saw the clouds today, I automatically assumed it was going to rain simply because of their colour.  When I think about this, it is interesting to me, but I do it all the time, assume something is going to happen based on a random association.

So after this, I decided to start changing the way I think about systematically associated things.  For example, the next time I come across a dark alley for instance, instead of assuming I will be killed if I walk down it,  I think I will just acknowledge the dark alley (walk a different way nonetheless) and think to myself it probably leads to the best coffee shop in town and I will hit that another day.  🙂

So, the trompe l’oeil artwork I created today is a representation of things not being what they seem based on the crazy voices I have in my head making things up all the time.

(The image is a set of leaves assembled together and laying on my living room table.)

I hate it that people are judgmental.  I really don’t understand this notion at all as we are all equals in the thing called life and no one has the liberty to judge any other person about anything in my opinion.

For instance, clothing choice, appearance, language-use, whether or not someone shaves or not, sweat levels, or anything really, does not warrant a judgment or a negative/mocking opinion from ANYONE else.

People who judge other people suck.

This post stems from today’s events, whereby (by the way, I am assuming all of this as I don’t know 100 percent if this was happening, but it seemed as though it was, given my first hand observations of the event) ‘colleagues’ of mine (in a higher education graduate program) decided to write notes to one another (as the lecturer was talking) around my level of perspiration (as it was VERY hot in the room and it is an ongoing problem for everyone that spends any length of time in there) as well as the fact that I don’t shave.  I guess they happened to notice both of these things given what I was wearing today and that set them off into a tizzy of writing notes back and forth about me like they were in grade school.

It made me mad.  Mad because I don’t judge them (and trust me, I could) because I have a certain level of respect for everyone and their individuality.  I think it is great that everyone is different and I feel I am no better than anyone else and therefore have no authority to pass judgments on someone else.

Hopefully one day the people who judge and/or make fun/mock other people will realize that this kind of behaviour is childish and hurtful.

My travels today conjured up an experience that left me thinking about the constructs of the social networking website FACEBOOK.

The site’s premise is that it connects people to the doings of all sorts of other people, ie: ‘friends’ and their goings-on in life.  But, I think to some degree, it does the opposite of what it proclaims to do, I say it’s more of a facelessbook.

In fact, it takes the “face” right out of social interaction in general.

For example, let’s say I posted something on my facebook status and then all of my ‘friends’ then saw my status update and learned about what I was up to or thinking about.  Then, (as in what I experienced today), you go out for an actual social gathering of some sort (in that you are actually face-to-face with one of your friends (and ‘friends’)) so then what do you do?  Do you discuss the new things you’ve been up to with your friends or not?  Do they care to hear about your goings-on after they have already read about them in your status update?  Should you share them again anyway?

It also creates this weird dynamic that you wonder if your friends actually care to read about what’s going on in your life via your status update, and if they don’t, why not?  (If they haven’t, then is it great to share? Or, if they have, maybe they don’t care to hear it from you face-to-face.) But how do you know what to do? It makes things kind of awkward.

Furthermore, then I could get into: what’s even the point in sharing an online status update or what’s the point of having a real face-to-face exchange of updates if one cancels the other out.  Maybe we should just stop sharing updates altogether.  ha.

It is a very weird thing that FACEBOOK but nonetheless, it provided inspiration for my art today, so I guess its good for something.

I was Ms. Productivity today, I got so much stuff accomplished it was unbelievable.

Wednesday is the only day I have off, so I try to make the best of it and get caught up on the stuff I can’t get done during the rest the week.

My list of accomplishments for today include: baking cookies and muffins, making rice krispy squares, doing laundry, dishes, creating a double-sided brochure, compiling five pages of lesson plans, tweaking my resume, 10 pages of readings, and all this on top of all the other regular duties such as: driving kids to/from school, packing lunches, making dinner, bedtime routine, making art, 🙂 …etc.

I should mention that I am not looking for acknowledgement from anyone (as it seems I am paranoid that one may think I am) for getting all that stuff done.  I just want to relish in the feeling I have from the days’ events and that I really made a go of it.   It feels like I’ve made my life 5 times easier by knocking those things off my to-do list, and now I have just a few less things knocking on the backing of my brain.

I don’t think we acknowledge OURSELVES enough for what we do in a day, our contributions or our efforts in general.  (Not that we really need to, it just feels nice to pat yourself on the back once and a while……and cross some jazz off the list.)

and now I am tired so I am going to bed. 🙂

                                                                           Ms. Productivity

Over the last little while I have been having some fruitful discussion about what is better: money or happiness with some teenage students.  They all have their opinions and are very adamant that their way of thinking is the right way, and there is no swaying their beliefs.  (which is good, because I think it is important to have a stand on something you believe in and stick to it.)

What is interesting about our conversations is, that only one out of seven believe that happiness is more important than money.  One out of seven.  The rest feel that they can just buy happiness (via material goods, vacations, etc.) if they had lot’s of money.

This is striking to me.  Has societal status and bank balances really gotten into the brains of these kids?  Or has mass imagery/advertising hit their target market right on the nose, so hard that kids would rather have the money to buy the advertised stuff than true happiness?  Happiness as a commodity?

Maybe for these kids, the definition of happiness is a bit unclear.  Heck, maybe the definition of happiness for everyone is a bit unclear.

Happiness: “a state of well being, contentment, good fortune, prosperity” – Miriam Webster Dictionary – Seems to be a juxtaposition to me……

Happiness is also subjective.  What makes me happy, may be a downfall for someone else.

I wonder if people have really asked themselves what is more important: happiness or money.   It could be interesting to think about it and then to think about why.  🙂

Today I realized that I have lot’s of questions about lot’s of things.  It is important to question things and to challenge assumptions.

I like to wonder about things (thoughts, ideas and actual things) and whether or not they can be viewed from a different angle or perspective (which of course they can) and what it may/could be.  There are so many things in the world available for inquiry, I love it.

My art today is about identifying my love for questioning and my thirst for knowing the unknown.

It is simple………but complex at the same time?


It is Thanksgiving weekend (in Canada) and I thought I would make some Thanksgiving inspired art in honour of it.

I am thankful for so many things it would take forever for me to list them all, so to keep it short I will just mention my top few.

Firstly, I am thankful for my healthy family, secondly, I am thankful for our home and the neighbourhood we live in, and lastly, I am so very thankful for pumpkin pie  🙂

While making turkey dinner today I whipped together a little piece from the leftover veggie compost.


Day 32 – F.C.

Cancer is so scary.

I know that on my social networks of late, there have been postings around younger friends of mine battling cancer and living with the side effects of chemo. In addition to that, there has been a whole bunch of influential men in their 50’s dying from it and/or complications from it that I know of…. (no need to mention names, I’m sure).

So what the hell man? What is going on?

Being paranoid about cancer (around getting it myself) is really adding to my levels of stress given the state of affairs around the people I know living with it and/or dying from it.   Things aren’t looking good, it also doesn’t help given the family history I have.

I so utterly sympathize with the people who fight everyday to beat the cancer demon and struggle to keep themselves positive.  They are so strong and I admire their willpower.

I realize that this is not a positive post, but its just been on my mind of late.

I say, along with a whole lot of other people, “FUCK CANCER”.


While wandering this morning, I realized that I was touching A LOT of the same door handles, handrails, elevator buttons that thousands of other people touch every day.  It sort of creeped me out.  I always knew lot’s of people touched the things I touched but I just never really thought about how many exactly.  Well today I did.

This made me paranoid of course, about germs from the touched objects and then getting sick from the germs.  I don’t think people in general (myself included), wash their hands often enough or thoroughly enough (assuming) to make sure they are doing their part in controlling germ spread.

I don’t like being sick, (and I am sure no one else does either) and getting sick from the germs of others is really gross.

So I made this little fingerprint germ man on my finger, and he is just waiting to spread his box of germs all over the next thing I touch.  (Little does he know I am getting the soap.)

I was sad for most of the day today, feeling like I had no control over getting done what I needed to get done.  (I was also unmotivated to try and convince myself to do particular things to get them out of the way and off my plate.)

I don’t often have these days, whereby I feel sorry for myself.  Usually, I am pretty good at recognizing self-pity and kick it in the ass but today I guess I felt like suffering through it a bit. What is funny about this is that even though I recognized my own misery as being self directed, I didn’t want to change it. What is that about?

I think sometimes we like to be miserable because it seems to justify or exemplify the really awesome days we have.  It’s kinda like a self-administered drug addiction, mentally.

What is worse about today is, after a while,  I became paranoid about not getting enough done that I started assuming that it was going to ruin my day tomorrow too.  Crappy.

I should probably have just gone to bed earlier and called it a write-off of a day, but given my torment I managed to create a piece of art that was inspired by misery today, so I guess it wasn’t a total loss.

I used melted wax and carved the word “misery” into it as a metaphor, signifying that I can create my own misery…… (and then tomorrow, hopefully I will melt it back into the candle as a reminder that I can also make my own “misery” disappear. 🙂

Wandering about today I “stumbled” upon a revelation.

While I  was walking along on a sidewalk, I realized I was looking down at my feet.  This is nothing new to me as I do it all the time (as do a lot of people) but it made me think about how people say to “walk with your head up and chin held high”.

I thought about what that means or what it is suppose to mean…….  I believe it is a statement that encourages one to be proud of themselves and to walk in/with confidence (and also to watch where you are going) in life.  But after my experience today, I say “walk with your head down, and notice what you didn’t before”.

Walking with my head down did a couple of  things for me today (and luckily I didn’t bang into anything even though I did stumble a bit at one point); one: I noticed some really beautiful flowers growing in the cracks of the sidewalk and in perimeter gardens as well as many other amazing, usually unnoticed things;  two: it got me thinking about looking down within yourself.

I posted the other day on looking within and coming to terms with myself, but today was different.  I realized that as we look within, and down through our inner self, we have the ability to create the person whom walks with their head up and chin held high.  We control the perceptions we have around ourselves (in all aspects) and furthermore we need to recognize that we are our own worst critics.

I feel like I can change, enhance, illuminate, improve, balance, and focus myself more in my life if I just took more time to look down and notice.

(This is a photo that I took today of a flower I saw while I was looking down.  It has been: changed, enhanced, illuminated, improved, balanced and focused).

Day 28 – CHIME IN

Today I was struck by the most beautiful sound.

It was a sound that I don’t hear very often and when I have heard it in the past, it wasn’t as beautiful as it was today.  It was 3 o’clock when I happened to be driving by a small church and its ringing bells.  (I am assuming it was the churches bells, as it may very well have been some audio recording playing as I did notice speakers in the steeple).

The sounds resonating from that building were intoxicating.  It wasn’t like one would expect (I assume) to hear, like a loud  bonging of three chimes marking the end of the previous hour and the beginning of the next.  It was a transient but soothing, and captivating fluid sound and I felt like those sounds were entering my body and relaxing my every muscle (I got stopped by the stop light right beside the church and rolled ALL my windows down to hear and feel it more loudly/deeply).

This experience reminded me of those moments when someone says something that really “hits home” or when you hear your favourite song and it touches your heart and soul, or when you hear the one of those really good moral stories and it really moves you.

I felt so free in those moments engulfed in the beauty of those notes, like everything around me stopped and nothing else mattered.  I don’t think these moments happen often enough, or maybe they do….maybe they happen right when they are suppose to and when you need them to.

I can’t really explain why I was so affected by those bells today, I guess I happend to be mindful and willing of an inward experience at that moment.  So I drew a picture of a bell, as I way to recognize/remember my experience and to remind me of where I need to be tomorrow at 3 o’clock.  🙂